Prepare for the Rainy Days: Don't Get Stuck in the Rain
Today of all days is the perfect day for rainy day advice. We have been going through a dry spout for a little while now. Alot of people in those times believe they have time to get their driveway put in or just simple potholes filled. But then, the rain comes. The little pothole that was there before is now becoming a little unbearable because of the flow of water through it. What started as a little problem slowly becomes a bigger one.
So finally in the middle of the rain a person is certain that something needs to be done. The best way to avoid this situation is to prepare ahead of time. We can't haul material in the middle of the rain because dirt will be mud and will not take the form you want it to when put down. You want it to be able to pack so that you can put a layer of rock on top of it. We don't want to haul material on a customer's driveway when it is wet because the weight of the truck will cause more problems. Meaning additional holes from the ruts the tires create.
Preparing is always the best call. Benjamin Franklin said this, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Call us at 409-547-3433 to get your driveways fixed or put in so you don't get stuck in the rain.
